Nieuws uit Maranghada!

Nieuws uit Maranghada!

Ook afgelopen schooljaar steunden de leerlingen en leraren beeldende kunst met de opbrengst van tal van creatieve projecten het meisjesinternaat in Maranghada. Dominik Martin, de drijvende kracht achter deze activiteiten, ontving afgelopen week dit bericht uit India:


"Respected Dominik Martin,

I am deeply sorry for being late to thank you for the gift you have sent for the children of Maranghada. We are very happy  and gratefully acknowledge this gift.Thank you and all the teachers and students for their hard work which no doubt  you have done with love and concern for the poor and needy students of Maranghada. This gift will be used to purchase a lightening conductor for the school building,one big battery and invertor  for the hostel and if there will be a balance, it will be used for the white wash of the class rooms.

Please find attached  pictures of bathrooms, water tank with tin cover for sanitary purpose and the repair of the small courtyard of the toilet section.

With deep gratitude and warm regards ,
we the children,teachers and Ursuline sisters of Maranghada.

Sr. Matilda."